IC3 Digital Literacy

Define Yourself in a Digital World

Digital Literacy is about more than just being literate at using a computer, just because individuals constantly have electronic devices in their hands does not mean digital literacy and critical analysis skills will simply emerge. To develop fluency in any language, learners must immerse themselves and work with those who are fluent in that language.

The Internet and Computing Core (IC3) Digital Literacy Certification tests basic computer skills and understanding of the Internet to promote success in school, work and life. CCI Learning is the world’s leading courseware developer for IC3. Learn the foundational knowledge needed to excel in computers and the use of the internet with our courseware.

Learning digital literacy with IC3 will ensure learners develop the critical entry-level skills needed to use the latest computer and internet technologies. When they are well versed in IC3, they are ready to be part of the digital world!

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