Blogging Versus the Word

There are so many different methods we can use to get our messages out to people these days. Given all the avenues available, the most efficient method is access to the Internet. Nowadays, you can easily share messages through Social Media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or other common social networking outlets.

One area that seems to be growing in popularity is blogging … now blogging isn’t new in the Internet world, but it has become much easier to set up an account and create your postings. You can create the posting within the blog program or even use Microsoft Word!

Microsoft Word includes a number of templates you can use to create blogs, thereby giving you the power of all the features and formats available in the program to enhance the text. Creativity at your mouse click! The program recognizes which features work well on web pages and adjusts the information accordingly, or notifies you of these items for adjustment. The Microsoft Office website also has templates for download – some of which are free!

This is just one of the many things you can do with Microsoft Word. There is an array of creativity you can unlock with Microsoft Word, all available to learn by becoming certified in Microsoft Office Word 2013. Want to learn more? Contact CCI Learning for more information about Microsoft Office Word certifications and other certifications available.

Until next time … Remember you have the power to discover your greatness!

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